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Make / Receive free phone calls worldwide with IWD FreeCall Service
List your business in the IWD webphone directory
Boost your business, receive instant free calls from customers directly from your webpage with free IWD Click-to-Call button
Free Voip calls between IWD Mobile Apps. Free international DID phone number
Boost your business customer support with free IWD 24 hours a day, seven days a week live Voip contact center services.
Cheap local & long distance call from anywhere in the world
Boost your customer support and info desk with our IVR. Allow your business operations to function 24 hours a day, seven days a week.
Make / Receive free and cheap phone calls all over the world with IWD VoIP
List your business in the IWD online webphone directory
List your business in the IWD classified webphone directory
Make / Receive free and cheap phone calls all over the world with IWD VoIP
Download Mobile dialer app - FREE
(1) Download and install our mobile dialer app from Google and Apple store.
(2) Free Trial Sip Number without credit: Go to our online shop and get a FREE TRIAL SipNumber to use our services and the credentials to enable the mobile dialer app. No credit card is needed. Only a valid email address is needed for registration. Use the SipNumber credentials generated for you to  enable the mobile app. To login to your account use the username and password you provided for registration. In your account, you can view your call history, Sipnumber information, payments, and many more. Read the full documentation to understand more.
Full documentation (1) Download Mobile App (2) Free Trial Sip Number
(3) Renew your SipNumber or Upgrade your trial version:
Buy renewal credits to continue using our service. Upgrade from trial version to full. Select the subscription plan best for your need, monthly or 6-monthly.
(3) Renewal (4) Widget buttons Setup

International and local calls are now made cheaper and easier with our mobile dialer app and FreeCall service. The IWD Mobile dialer app is available on Android, iOS, and Windows. Downloadable from the Apple store and Google store.

What is IWD click-to-call FREE CALL integrated service.
The Click-to-Call FreeCall is a web-based phone calling system (webphone) that allows the caller toclick and immediately connect and speak with a mobile phone for free and from anywherein the world. The system doesn’t require you to download and install any software or app.It works with any type of mobile phone, PC, and all browsers. The calls are free for bothsides, the caller and the receiver. No charges.

What makes IWD unique:
Toll Free number alternative
Without a doubt, IWD's powerhouse is the Click-to-Call instant free phone call button andthe integrated IVR / Call center services. The freecall is the complete alternative to the expensive Toll Free Number. 

How it works.
IWD's click-to-call principle feature is divided into the caller and the receiver.

The Caller:
The caller simply clicks on the IWD FREE CALL button or link to open the webphone, addsthe receiver’s number, and dials. The caller can also access the IWD Webphone directlyfrom In most cases, and if enabled, the receiver's SIP number will beset automatically if the button or link is personalized.

Calling device: mobile phone or PCCalls are made with the iwdwebphone, a web-based virtual phone. When the caller clickson the widget button, link button, or a normal URL link found on the webpages, websites,social networks, etc. that enabled our FreeCall service, the IWDwebphone shows up andhe makes his free call. The iwdwebphone is browser-based and can be accessed from anymobile phone or PC.

The Receiver:The receiver is an IWD customer who has decided to use our FREE CALL service systemfor many purposes, such as (a) to have a second or even more virtual mobile phonenumbers, (b) for online advertisement, web publishing, Facebook and other socials, adultand dating websites, etc. (c) for anyone who doesn't want to disclose his personal phonenumber to the public; (d) on a website and webpages to attract customers by offering freecall contact. (e) for enterprises, businesses, and institutions that have several sub-offices,several staff members, several branches, very high call traffic, etc., and want to offer freecall service to users and customers. (f) as well as numerous other applications.

Receiver device and requirements:
An IWD customer who wants to activate the click-to-call Freecall service must subscribe to obtain a user ID and a Sip number. He has to download and install our free mobile dialerapp from the Google Play Store or Apple Store. The app is available at this link: mobile dialer has a push-up feature that makes it remain in standby and ring whenthere is an incoming call, just as on a normal mobile phone. To function, the mobile dialer app requires the SIP number and a password. The credentials are issued after subscribing..Download our mobile dialer app "CALLJU", subscrib and start using our services. To understand more read the full documentation.
IWD Mobile Dialer:
Mobile VoIP is an innovative way of using your mobile phone to make calls over the internet instead of the traditional mobile operators. This method helps to save money drastically.

The IWD Mobile dialer works provided you have an internet connection.

1 - Free worldwide calls between Mobile dialer apps regardless of their geographical locations.
2 - Voicemail, Call Forwarding, Caller ID, Conference calls, Call  Registration,
Call hold, IVR, Call center service,  and many more all for FREE.
3 - Receive and make  cheap international and local calls:
4 - IWD FreeCall service integration (read full documentation)
5 - IWD Online business Sipnumber directory integration

To use the Mobile dialer app, you need to download it from Google and Apple stores.
IWD online SipNumber directory:
is a SipNumber directory that contains listings of businesses, privates, and institutions registered with the IWD service. Every listing is associated with a relative SIP number. Customers, users, the public, etc. can search the directory by name, description, category, or SIP phone number. If the information is available, with only a click, they make a free call and speak with the associated mobile dialer app. The call is totally free.
Read the documentation on how to be enlisted.

IWD Contact center service implementation:
Press 4 to talk with our staff...
IWD contact center integration enables listed businesses to continue  operations 24 hours a day, seven days a week.
A contact center system is no longer a luxury for only the biggest  enterprises. IWD offers a free contact center feature to our subscribers.

Full documentation
Start your own Voip business from A-to-Z, or work as our agent. You can create branded VoIP services with your own logo. If you own a website or already manage a physical store, a call shop, a telecom/mobile phone service dealer, etc., the IWD agent program is the best solution to increase your income. 
Start your Voip services now
Agent program Contact us IWD online Shop